Penn Valley Potting Soil

Improved Germination

  • Better Germination Rates
  • Faster Germination
  • Higher Yield Potential
  • 2 Week Longer Transplant Window

Seed germination is a busy and complex time with thousands of protein reactions requiring all the right minerals to be available at just the right time. By creating a "reduced soil environment" in our potting soil, we are able to ensure that all the right minerals are readily available when needed. This means your seeds will germinate and sprout up to a full day earlier, and with better potential, while continuing to grow at a faster rate than traditional potting soils.

Better Plant Quality

  • Stronger, Healthier Plants
  • Improved Root Growth
  • Minimized Transplant Setback

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Our potting soil creates the perfect environment to stimulate root growth. By establishing a better root system, plants have better access to more water and nutrients. This reduces the stress on the plant and virtually eliminates setback that is common when transplanting. Plants that are started with the proper balance of microbially delivered nutrients, and maintain that balance in the field, will provide the most nutrient dense fruit while providing a stronger plant more resistant to disease and insect pressure.

Save Time & Money

  • No Fertilizer Needed!
  • Better Moisture Control
  • Plants Ready 1 Week Sooner!

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Our professional organic potting soil is the result of years of research to find the right combination of minerals that will give your plants the maximum level of health and vitality coming out of the greenhouse. This blend was built upon Aeromaster Humus Compost to give the ultimate growing medium that contains all the nutrients a plant needs to flourish in appropriately sized trays, requiring minimal or even zero additional fertilizer. The humus compost helps to regulate the moisture levels around the seed and roots for optimum growth.

Plants grown in Aeromaster based potting soil are typically ready for transplant or sale at least 1 week sooner than traditional potting soils.

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The secret to our exceptional potting soil

Aeromaster Humus Compost is organic material that has been completely broken down through thermophilic and microbial breakdown, and then built back up into a carbon structure called Humus. We do this through a careful management of the breakdown and a series of microbial inoculants throughout the process. (Click here to learn more)

Humus Has Incredible Capabilities

  • Holds up to 4x its weight in water.
  • Solubilizes soil nutrients.
  • Holds nutrients in the soil for plant use.
  • Increases root mass.
  • Helps bring nutrients & minerals into balance.

Contains Mycorrhizal Fungi

Many potting soil mixes simply inoculate with mycorrhizal fungi which die off quickly before coming into contact with the plant roots. Beneficial micorrhizal fungi are sustained in our humus ensuring that they are actually alive and active, ready to attach to plant roots of the new sprout.

Approved for certified organic production.

- Application -

Be sure to pre-soak potting soil thoroughly before putting into trays. For even better results, use Liquid Humus for pre-soaking the seeds and potting soil mix before planting.

What's in it?
Aeromaster Humus, Peat, Coconut Coir, Perlite, Pulverized Volcanic Rock Minerals, Crab Shell, BioChar, Mycorrhizal Fungi
How much do I need?
Potting Soil Calculator
This is an estimate. Volumes may vary depending on your tray and inserts.
- Ready to order? -

Select one of the options below to start growing healthier plants!

Local Pickup

By appointment only.

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